Mr. Mohamed M. Abou El Enein and Mr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar, Chairman of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport.
Mr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar, Chairman of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, affiliated to the Arab League provided Mr.Mohamed Abou El Enein, chairman of Ceramic Cleopatra, honorary president of the Euro-Mediterranean parliament and president of Egyptian & European Council, the academy’s honorary shield, in appreciation of his leading role in serving the Egyptian society.
“Sabah El Balad” talk show, broadcasted today on Sada El-Balad channe, Abou Elenein checking on the Arab and African students camps, in which they presented the most popular food and products in each country.
The management of the Academy organized an event which included a folklore show and during the event students from different Arab and African communities presented poems about their countries culture.